Participating Leaders
Kathryn Martin, Ahtna
Kathryn Martin was born in Glennallen and raised in the village of Mentasta,
Alaska, at the headwaters of the Copper River, and is a grandchild of Fred
John, Sr. and Katie John. Martin received her most valuable education while
traveling with her grandmother during and after the court case, Katie John v.
State of Alaska, which helped ensure the rights of Alaskan Natives to fish for
subsistence purposes. Martin, Athabascan and Norweigan, is currently serving
as the Vice President of Land and Resources for Ahtna Inc., where she
oversees the 1.7 million acres of Ahtna land and manages subsistence issues
in association with state and federal regulations. Living in Tazlina, Alaska,
Martin humbly serves in this role and is committed to protecting the Ahtna land
and ensuring her people are able to continue their traditional lifestyle.
Read the transcript of Kathryn Martin's interview on sustainability: